John T. Reynolds: MSCSE, BSEE, NCTMB, RMT

John Reynolds
I am a clinical myotherapist.

I am also a software engineer and I have a degree in electrical engineering.

This combination may seem like an odd combination, but when you consider the similarities between finding bugs in programs and tracking down the hidden causes of myofascial pain, the combination won't seem so jarring.

I like to solve problems, and when the solution to a problem frees someone from chronic muscular pain, so much the better.

I learned about trigger points several years ago through Bonnie Prudden's book on Pain Erasure. I was amazed to learn that chronic muscle pain could be relieved through such simple techniques.

My original training in massage therapy was through the Lauterstein-Conway School of Massage in Austin, Texas. David Lauterstein and John Conway are inspirational and caring teachers. I am very grateful for their help.

I continued my training in trigger point therapy at the Texas Healing Arts Institute, also in Austin, Texas. Studying under Dr. Kirsten Kern (Stan) and Dr. Eri Weinstein helped me to reach new levels of competence and skill. They're both simply awesome teachers and role models.

I currently offer Pain Management Massage at the Texas Healing Arts Institute in central Austin, Texas.