book... The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook

Clair Davies book The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook is the product of a man on a mission.

A master piano tuner for most of his adult life, Clair Davies developed chronic, unremitting pain to the point that he could no longer work. After a frustrating search for relief, he stumbled on to volumes 1 & 2 of Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual, by Janet Travell and David Simons.

Through study of Travell and Simon's writings, Clair Davies was able to heal himself. The experience was so overwhelming that he gave up his job, entered massage school, and dedicated himself to spreading the word that people do not need to live in pain.

If you are going to purchase one book on trigger points, this is the one to buy. Clair covers all of the major trigger points of the body in a clear and easy to comprehend manner. This book is used by many massage schools, including the Texas Healing Arts Institute, to train trigger point therapists, yet it is designed for the individual. This book will teach you how to take care of yourself and your friends (It's the book that I give to my friends and family).


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